Hello there! I'm finding it very difficult to stay motivated, I can find any and every reason not to work out so I was wondering how everyone keeps motivated?
Home work outs/videos
Hi there, I'm just curious about gym alternatives, I'm a student and can't really afford a gym membership and I'm fairly busy. Are there any home workouts/videos that anyone could suggest? I'm working towards jogging but I do know that I need something more and I'm not sure what I can do without having access to equipment.
I think its time for a change!
Hello there! I'm Sarah from Canada and just wanted to say hi. I've decided to make a major change in my life and that's to get down to the weight that I should be. I have PCOS and that is the reason I gained the weight in the first place and so I don't expect this to be easy, however I think that by documenting my journey…