Really Struggling to eat my daily calories
I'm really struggling to eat my daily calories of 2500, I don't even get near that I'd say I get around 1600-1700 it's hard also because I end up going over my sugar intake, what should I do? -Diary is now open. Go to Monday the 13th for my meal plan for that day -
Any Suggestions?
Hey I'm about to do a shop tomorrow and I need to know what to buy? I need something for snacks Lunch Breakfast many thanks
Need help creating strength training routine
Hey I need help creating a strength routine. I go to the gym Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday if that helps -rj also im trying to lose weight and build up
Need Help
Hey, I need help creating a workout routine ( cardio and weights ) could anyone help me out? I plan on going to the gym atleast 4 times a week. Thanks -RJ
I'm new to here so I just wanted to ask what motivates you lot to go to the gym? I struggle because of people at the gym I think they are going to judge me= /