The long road to success - 100 pounds lost
So, as of this morning, it's official - I've lost 100 pounds in 874 days. From 296 pounds as of May 9, 2010, to 195.6 pounds as of today, September 29, 2012. It's been 874 days, about 29 months, to get here. Despite setbacks (wedding, honeymoon, slacking), it still averages out to 3.5 pounds per month. The reason I am…
The Cruddy Workouts - Bag it or Push through?
I'm in week five of my stater triathlon program, which for this winter is focused on building a base in swim and run, and on building strength through lifting. I'm new to triathlon training generally, and the run and swim are completely new. My summer goal is to run a pair of olympics in August, and I still have some…
Foods you forget you like.
So, I come home today, and I'm scrounging for dinner, and I find a box of couscous. Some stir-fried green beans, some broiled fish, and some couscous later, I'm in tasty food heaven. The box of couscous has probably been in my cabinet for a year, and it is just so tasty. All I can do is ask myself why I eat so much rice…