WORKOUT 3 x 15 push ups 3 x 1:00 min. core hold 3 x 15 walking forward lunges each leg 3 x 15 squats 3 x 15 squat jumps 3 x 15 burpees 3 x 20 tricep dips 3 x 15 walking push ups 3 x 15 walking side lunges each leg 3 x 15 up/up down/downs (on chair or bench) 3 x 20 lunge jumps 3 x 30 lemon squeezers 3 x 10 each way wake up…
Hi! A couple months ago i started MFP and I have a good group of friends, but I'd like some more! You dont really have to be from Georgia, but maybe some people around my age, or recently new mommies! I'm 20 with a 5 month old baby. :) Trying to lose this baby weight to play college soccer again this fall! (1 month away)
We got a college soccer summer workout packet. This was only one page of it, but thought this would be good for some to read :) The 10 Nutrition Rules To Live By 1. COME BACK TO EARTH: Choose the least processed forms of food such as fruits, veggies, whole grains and high fiber carbohydrates. 2. EAT A RAINBOW OFTEN: Eat…
Weight Room Exercise (mainly for women, but a man could modify the weight) Just another list of exercises my coach sent for our summer workout packet! Thought it could help for those people who go to the gym, and don't exactly have a good routine on the machines! 3 x 12 incline Bench Press 45 lbs 3 x 20 Calf Raises 3 x 10…
Hi everyone! I had an unplanned pregnancy, but wouldnt change a thing :) I'm a 20 year old student and college athlete... trying to get back in shape to play college soccer again! Need to lose this extra baby weight! Feel free to add me! I lost the majority of my weight really fast and now I have hit a wall. Need to lose…