Personalized Ads on MFP
I know there is a name for it, but I forget. You Know when there are advertisements on the sides of the webpage that are basically things you've been looking at online? Mine are dominos pizza ads and Express dresses ads haha! I look at dominos sometimes but always refrain from ordering because I want those dresses! What…
Your dream outfit..when you reach your goal!
When I reach my goal weight I can't wait to get a pair of tight red sexy flare pants! Also, a vintage style girls sailor dress with red heels. When you reach your goal, what can't you wait to get yourself into?
My name is Sara! Before I joined this site I have lost 18lb so far. 25 more to go. I thought this would be a good way to see my exercise habits and food in writing other then jogging it down in my head. I have never joined a forum before, so this is my first post ever on the internet! So basically I work out every day and…