Does anyone have experience with gaining weight while on antidepressants? I'm currently on 10mg Lexapro for generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder. I've fought this for 15 years on my own and just recently started the medicated route, so please no one tell me to just stop taking my pills. I've been…
So I've been on here for a little while now and I have lost 5 pounds! Might not sound like alot to most of you, but for me... Let's just say I never dieted. Ever. Day two was usually the limit and I would sprint back to my nutella, pancakes, and ice cream. But more importantly than the 5 pounds, I've lost some inches. I…
I'm new on here, so let's all do introductions! My name is Heather. I have struggled with weight my whole life and finally started slimming down when I started dating my now husband. Couldn't help it, he's a bodybuilder and always eats healthy and exercises. We got married August 13, 2010 and the following May found out we…