does this happen to anyone else. The old me was ashamed to be 130 and I was secretive about it. Now when I get back to 130 I will be shouting it loud and proud lol. I can't believe I was once B******* about something I would LOVE now. Weight gain really does put things in perspective doesn't it? I just wanted to be skinny,…
My sister bought me pants last month and I couldn't even pull them over my thighs. Now I can pull them up all the way AND button them. sure they are tight, but it feels GREAT. here I thought I wasn't making physical progress.
I went to the playground I used to go to as a kid and realized I could not climb the monkey bars. I couldn't even hoist my self up :sad: So I decided I would do push ups to build upper body strength. BUT GUESS WHAT? I can't even do a freaking push up. So I have been doing modified push ups anyone with me?
Hey I'm new to this. I don't know if anyone else has this problem but I spend the majority of my day sitting at work and in class + the time I spend at home on my computer, doing homework, research, or aimlessly surfing the net. that's about 8 hours I spend on my butt. I know that that cannot be good. UGH! I freaking hate…