Everybody has them: experiences that changed your life, your way of thinking, how you look upon things. Sometimes you created them yourself, sometimes it just happened to you. I start with a few of my own: -At highschool there were a bunch of girls who ridiculed and made fun with everything I said. I still feel very…
I sometimes think of myself in the past (coming from the present), talking to famous dead people or looking at historical events. Does this sound familiar? I give you already 3 of my phantasies: 1/ Being in a Munich Bierkeller in 1921, where a young Adolf Hitler was giving one of his speeches. 2/ Going to the famous…
Hello to you all. I've read a lot of succestories, and I'm full of respect for what you accieved. I see that overweighted people, who lost so much kilos, gain in selfrespect and willpower. Great for you. But I've got a question for you posters: What happened to your skin? Does it go by itself, or did some of you needed…
Toto: Rosanna "All I wanna do when I wake up in the morning is see your eyes"