Hi, I'm an 18 year old female and I've been running/walking for about half a year now to lose weight and get some physical activity into my lifestyle. (When I say running I don't actually run constantly because of my asthma. I can only run for a maximum of 1:15 minutes at a time. And I alternate running with walking. When…
Would it be bad to like have some cookies or something and just skip lunch so I don't eat too many calories? I don't want to miss out on eating the yummy Christmas food lol. I don't care if I just maintain my weight during Christmas, I just don't want to gain weight lol. :p And also it's summer where I am and does anyone…
Hey everyone, I'm a girl, 18, 137 pounds and 5'5. I know some of you might think I don't need to lose weight but I used to eat really bad and never exercise and I really want to change my lifestyle. Also I am quite chubby and have a lot of extra fat so I have started eating less and healthier and exercising more. I'm kind…