Has anyone done the 3-day cleaning? I just received mine today. First bottle down and have to drink one every 2-3 hours. The first bottle is Morning Glory which is a green juice. I juice at home (sometimes) but have never liked the green juices. The Jus! by Julie green stuff wasn't bad. I'm not sure I would recommend the…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1dSkAJ0eMM Post 'em as you find them or make them :)
Due to knee and hip issues I had to stop running. I'm coming back, BUT I'm still walking instead of running. Using the Zombies! Run 5K app. or https://www.zombiesrungame.com/HauntedWebby/5k/ I'm not sure if you can share profiles or not. Never thought about it before today lol :wink:
I know I need to eat healthy. I have read article after article about it, but the reality is I work 12 to 18 hours a day. I can pinpoint that my 650 cal coffee's did not help me at all after drink 4 or 5 a day. I can cut that, no problem after the caffeine headaches wear off. I've given up my soda addiction after 15 years…