For Real This Time (lol)
This is probably my 5th time introducing myself on this website. Each time I start off doing great and losing weight, and then I eventually fall off and binge and stop using this site. I NEED to actually start losing weight. I'm almost 30 and my metabolism isn't getting any faster. PLEASE HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE LOL. Or don't-…
Please Please Add Me
I desperately need active friends on this app again. This is my 3rd back and every one of my previous attempts has been successful because of the community this website offers. The support/accountability will go both ways! <3
3rd Time Back Here
I've had an on and off MFP account for years and I asking everyone for help once again. A year ago I was at slimmest and healthiest I have ever been, but I slipped and I got addicted to drugs. I'm recently sober but I've gained 40lbs as a result. So I'm back again. I also benefited from the mutual support on here so I…
I need people to yell at me when I go M.I.A
Will do the same in return!
Hey I'm new for like the 7th time
Need friends that will hold me accountable. Will literally add anyone. Please help me. I'm so desperate
Need Cooking Inspiration!
Hey everyone! I'm looking for some friends on here that make their food diary public at the end of the day. I need inspiration for new recipes (particularly if you're meatless!)
Supplements for Dieting Insomnia
Whenever I start losing weight I always get hit with the worse bouts of insomnia. Usually it will eventually run its course but the first couple of weeks are miserable. It also feels cyclical since I need sleep to lose weight, but when I'm losing weight I can't sleep more than five hours a night. So frustrating. I take…
Second Time Back
Hello everyone :) The first time I ever went on this app I was in my senior year of high school. I ended up losing about 20 pounds and felt AMAZING. I felt healthier, stronger, and lighter. Theeeeennn college happened 😬 My diet became one of the furthest things on my mind (behind partying, dating, and piles of schoolwork).…
Anyone else in college?!
Dearest college members of MFP, Please add me so I can stalk your food diaries. I really don't understand how to get proper nutrition in college and need as much help as I can get. I want to lose the freshman 15 instead of gaining it. Sincerely, me (PS: Go badgers!)
College life! Need advice!
So basically, I'm a freshman at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (go badgers!) and have decided it's time to lose the freshman 15 instead of gaining it. My biggest problem however, is my lack of food options and, of course, the copious amounts of alcohol that happens every single weekend. Does anyone have any advice on…
any vegan friends?
I'm officially starting my life off as a vegan today and would really appreciate being friends with some other vegans on here (so I can creep in your food journals and get ideas haha). Even if you're not a vegan and know of some vegan recipes, share them! I need all of the help that I can get!
College kids!? Need a shed a few before school!
Hey you guys! So I had an account on here last summer and everything was going GREAT. I had a great support system and I was gaining self-control while losing the pounds. In total I lost around 15-20 pounds. I had never felt better in my life! Then school started... I started suffering from some depression problems so I…