Hola, my name is Anashe! I love to surf and run! Also, I’m in love with Winona Ryder. I’m on a journey to being the sexiest thing on the planet, care to join?
Hello all, I just wanted to let you all know that as a fellow athlete on the road to weight loss, I'm here if anyone wants to talk, needs support, or even just a bit of motivation! My tumblr is called chanelisfit , so if anyone needs any extra motivation, you'll find it there! Happy Fourth to the Americans and have a great…
Whats up all! I'm a pretty young person, being only 23, but recently, I've taken a very strong eye to my health. Ever since March I have been increasing my cardio and strength training, but only very recently have I used MyFitnessPal. I'm so happy being on here because out of the past couple of weeks I have seen some…