Hey guys, I just got this Fat percentage and BMI Analyzer gadget and it's pretty awesome, here's a link to it- http://www.amazon.com/Omron-Logic-Monitor-model-HBF-306C/dp/B00006WNPU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1382487419&sr=8-1&keywords=Omron+HBF-306C+Fat+Loss+Analyzer+Monitor+HBF-306CN+Body+Logic I'd like to share my…
So, I've noticed how different I appear in different mirrors, in one mirror I will look much thinner than I do in another, and I am wondering WHAT the deal is with this? Lol. Do certain mirrors put on nonexistent weight? What mirrors are accurate?
Hello all, I am an 'ex bulimic' (as of one month) and have gained a loooot of weight (50 lbs to be exact) due to the bulimia.. I absolutely hate this weight gain, however it seems as if I am having a lot of trouble losing it... It seems like my metabolism is shot or practically nonexistent now, due to the bulimia, and i…
Hello everyone, I just found this site, and to say the least, it looks pretty promising- in terms of something that I could really use to get to my goal, for advice, support, and so on.. I am an ex bulimic (I guess that you could say- it's been a bit over a month since I began recovering), I got down to 145 during this…