Are there any fighters around who have lost a lot? I have gone from 510 to 335 this year and I'm trying to fit my style into my new weight. Before no one could move or stop me me now they can. Of course I am quicker on my feet so its a different game. Any one have experience?
I have been trying to lose weight for years I was over 500. I kept falling off the plan then this year I decided to limit my calories and all the sudden I am 6 moths in and 125 pounds down. Why ? I have wanted to before but it didn't stick I cant figure out what is different. I did start a food diary but other than that no…
On January 1st I weighed 510 pounds I am now in the 380's going for 230. I eat 750 ( My Doctor said this was extreme but acceptable)calories a day 6 days a week and 2000 1 day. I have had 4 cheat days for a wedding ,anniversary and B-day. I work retail so I walk a lot and lift a bit I also do martial arts 1 or 2 days a…