Do you have a hard time working out and staying on track when you get on your period? I find that when I work out I get very sick. And also that I need a lot more food. I have really rough periods but I thought maybe this was normal anyways. What do you do for that week of the month?
Ever since I started this working out and eating less/better lifestyle a couple weeks ago.. my skin has been completely broken out. It's horrible. Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do?
I just started working out and being a more conscious eater (biggest goal was to eat less) less than a week ago, but I found myself binge snacking tonight. I was just wondering if anyone else did this starting out and if so, what you did to prevent it? Just pure will power?
I had been lazy for awhile.. but I'm back and motivated to look and be healthier! :] Anyways, I could use some friends. On my old account I loved seeing other people reach their goals and checking out their workouts and getting motivated through each other and whatnot!