Hi everyone, My boyfriend and I started a weight loss "competition" recently; although we have made it competitive, we still fully support each other in our goals. That being said, we still want to make it fun and have decided to have a reward for the biggest loser of each week. However, we are having difficulties coming…
I was wondering which you found to be more accurate - the calories the exercise machine says you burned or the calories MFP inputs? MFP always seems to be much higher, which makes me a bit leery... (I do understand a heart rate monitor would be the most accurate, but that is not an option for me at the moment.) Thanks!
I finally ate breakfast this morning! That's a positive. However, I had an apple and a banana for breakfast this morning and I'm already over my sugar intake for the day! I don't know if this is a dumb question, but do fruit sugars really matter? Am I ruined for the rest of the day by eating what I thought was a healthy…
Hello - I'm currently a professional baker, on my way to trying to become a pastry chef. I find it so difficult to maintain any sort of willpower around these delicious treats! I also work with savory food, so I'm battling both. I'm wondering if there is anyone else out there in this position? And, if so, do you have an…