How can I overpower my brain's want for food?
I hate it but its like my brain constantly tells me I'm hungry. I can be full and my brain will be like "Just a little more" and sometimes its hard to ignore. How do I stop it?
Looking for people my age to lose weight with!
I've had a MFP for 2 weeks and the only friends I have are my mothers friends. I'm nearly 20 and I'm looking for some people my age who have more that 150 pounds to lose. I, personally, have almost 230 pounds to lose. If you have less than 150 pounds to lose don't turn away. I wanna be your friend too! LOL! ADD ME!
Got any exercise ideas?
I've been trying to figure out a good workout for myself but i'm fairly new to this. I used to use exercise videos but I really dislike them. Anyone have of any exercise routines that I could try?