Anorexia recovery
Is there anyone here who has recovered from anorexia? I decided to recover but in "recovery" i have developed compulsive overeating. I am extremely afraid and i have been eating 8000 calories every single day for 2 weeks and gained 10 kg in two weeks. I have now reached a healthy BMI and do not wish to gain more but i…
Switch ED's
Has anyone else switched from anorexia to binge eating? I am just wondering since that is what has happened to me. I am becoming severly depressed and suicidal and i am wondering if anyone is in similar situations and how are you dealing with it?
Antidepressents and birth control
I am taking birth control and antidepressents and i was wondering has anyone experienced weight gain while on it? I already have problem with emotional overeating and have been diagnosed with anorexia in the past. I am now trying to maintain but it is already hard due to emotional overeating and i just need to know are…
Compulsive overeating
I need some motivation, has anyone experienced the same thing? My compulsive overeating started as soon as i recovered from anorexia. I thought i was just eating clean but i developed anorexia and then ortorexia and once i recovered i was still eating only healthy foods( complex carbs, protein and healthy fats). Then i…
Rapid weight gain
Will the weight you gained during two weeks of compulsive overeating every other day,hormonal disbalances and minimal training due to illness and depression come off more quickly? I have been basically consuming 5000 calories every other day in a binge uncontroloable mode for two weeks. Mainly had about 7-10 days with 3000…