In Japan, with Hashimoto's Thyroid Disease
Hello, all. The name I go by here is Tokyo Shorty. You can call me Shorty, or Tokyo, or Toks. I am a 28-year-old American living in Japan, working as an English Teacher at a small private language school. I am currently approaching 200lbs (196lbs) and am very worried about my overall health. When I was a teenager, my…
Anyone on their Week 2/3 of C25K?
I'm looking for more friends to encourage and motivate as I go on this journey from "never having run in my life" to "I can run a 5k!" ... I'm on W2D3 (not run yet) and I really want to meet others! Feel free to add me via the little link on the side, or comment here and I'll add you instead ^_^
C25K | Thyroiditis | GW: 140lbs | 28yo Looking for friends!
I live in Japan, so I don't get a chance to meet many people who speak my language (literally). I have to do this journey by myself over here, so I'm hoping to reach out to those on MFP and build a support group. :) I plan to log in every day. I am 28 years old, not married, with a girlfriend who does martial arts (kendo,…
Calorie Burn Discrepancies (App-recorded)
I'm getting really confused by my calories burned via the apps I've downloaded. Right now I'm using Endomondo, and I'm wondering how accurate it is, because I just finished a 90-ish minute run with this result: 591 calories doing 86 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Walking, 8 mins per km, very, very brisk pace" But…