I'm so excited that I have lost enough weight that I can wear my wedding ring again!!!! <--- See pic of wedding ring... on my finger... taken just a few minutes ago! Haven't been able to wear this in so long! I feel stupid even saying this after only 11 lbs, but it's just so important to me. :)
Can I just vent for a moment about school dress codes? The school my daughters attend has gotten so ridiculous about dress code that we spent about 20 minutes last night looking at my daughters chosen outfit and pouring over the dress code policy trying to determine if it was okay or not. Nobody in their right mind would…
I am really struggling with time issues, and I could really use help/suggestions. Before you tell me that "everyone has time to exercise" or "if it's important to you, you'll find the time", please let me give you a little background and explanation. The times when I have been overweight and out of shape have always been…
I'm trying to get back into eating right, and I've never quite gotten a handle on the healthy cooking/snacking thing. I feel like I found a few things that worked for me, and I ate those exclusively, and when I got bored of it I just gave up and gained the weight back. It's like I never got past the actual learning curve…