So I LOVE progress pictures! They keep me going! I havn't took one in a while, so thought I would! And it makes me excited for the big 50! I'm officially 35lbs down,2 pant sizes down,and smaller shirts!. I've had quite a few set backs...stress and a torn ligament..But I didn't let it make me fall off track. I've became…
I'm currently 2lbs away from this months goal I've made for myself ,and I'm confident I'll hit it, but at the same time nervous i wont... but then I stop and think,.this month i've lost 16.6lbs and nearly 2 pants sizes, sounds like an awesome month to if I hit my goal or not, I'm still pretty proud of myself for…
So three weeks in, between my husbands support of doing this with me and cutting out all pasta and most bread,green smoothies, no surgary foods other than fruits,and walking 2 to 3 miles a day and gym twice a week we feel awesome. I never notice weightloss much so I'm big on progress pictures..I noticed I was wearing the…
so I was going through photos, and noticed how fat my face has got, compared to two years ago,so then I wondered out of the 17 lbs I've lost so far, did some finally come off my face? I can kinda tell.. p.s... the little things, I got echoed because my collar bone is more defined lol