Gymnast diet - help?
Hello! I'm currently getting back into gymnastics and want to gain muscle! Only problem is, I have no clue what to eat. I've never been very good with nutrition, but do any of you know what a good diet for a gymnast would be? Or just any ideas around what a good diet in general would be! Any good foods, or just any…
Eating and Weight, help? (ED recovery)
Hello! I am currently attempting to recover from my eating disorder. It is a mix of restrictive eating and binge eating. I know I need to recover because I am getting back into gymnastics which is a large passion in my life and is the only thing that brings me true happiness. I cannot (and WILL NOT) let my eating disorder,…
Hard times, gaining weight fear, help?
Hello, I'm currently trying to recover from my eating disorder of binging and restricting. I'm having a very hard time coming to terms with the fact I am gaining/will be gaining weight. (since now I am right on the border of underweight/he does anyone have any words of advice or encouragement? They would be highly…
Hi! Advice please..?
Hi! I'm a fairly active person but I think it would be great if I could work up some more muscle. Does anyone know a bit about bulking up? Sorry that this post is so unspecific. Just wondering what some good workouts are and what are some good foods to eat? (I have a lot to learn about a healthy diet haha) Any help anyone…
Calorie Amounts?
Does anyone know how many calories a girl 5'1.5 and is 100lbs should be eating a day? Thank you all so much!