July DietBet (TAJ's July Weight Loss Bash)
Hey guys! I just joined DietBet.com. If you have never heard of it, you bet a set amount of money on your ability to lose 4% of your weight in one month. If you succeed, you get to split the pot with other winners! Just thought I'd share in case anyone wanted to join. I'd love to connect with other people who are…
Struggling with weight loss, need help!
So I'm one of those people who have trouble maintaining my weight but I've always been able to bounce back before. Usually my weight would jump up during exams, or the holidays (which sometimes coincided) or colds and sickness. I never jumped up that high (max: 5lbs), and could quickly jump back from this. This happened a…
Struggling with recent weight gain
Hi everyone! So I'm struggling to lose weight I've recently gained and I'll post about it in the general weight loss section of the forum because it's a rather complicated story. So I joined myfitnesspal so I could better keep track of my calories and now I'm looking for some support too. Really I need a better way to keep…