Are you a Clean Eater?
If not, what do you eat? I'm pretty flippin' proud of myself, I haven't had a soda in 2 months. It was my addiction! When i drank it, i would would go through at least 3:1 liters a week! I've lost 6 pounds... I know that's all water weight but hey it's a first step! :)
I'm sorry if this is been asked 1000000000 times but I still don't understand!!! When I workout I burn a total of 600 calories, and i eat 1200-1400 per day. So do EAT back that 600? or drop that to 300? I'm so confused... my process is slow, i've needed to lose my baby weight for a combined 7 years (i have a 6 yr old and a…
Can someone explain calorie deficit in laymans terms? Correct me if I'm wrong but isnt this the amount of calories you burn everyday as opposed to eating? Im so confused! Thanks!