I tend to be eating a lot more protein these days and usually eat 3 or 4 times the recommended amount (including my protein shake snacks). Is there such thing as too much protein? and what would be the effects? ~Sherry~
I finally started trying to fit some exercise into my life and started taking a 30 minute brisk walk each evening. I've done this for only 4 days now and now something is up with my right knee. The pain is mostly at the back of my knee and is more uncomfortable with my leg extended rather than bent. What do you think?…
I joined about 4 days ago and love this site. It's so easy to log my information and I am amazed that we can access it for free! I am a lifetime member of weight watchers but that was many many years ago. I am about 45 lbs over my expected weight now. As I have aged, things that used to work for me no longer do the trick.…