Thoughts on the Up by Jawbone fitness/sleep tracker
I'm thinking of purchasing an UP by Jawbone fitness tracker bracelet or maybe a Fitbit Force. http://www.fitbit.com/force?gclid=CMDi8ePy2roCFQ3hQgodBAwAQg https://jawbone.com/up Has anyone used/tried this or something similar? Do you get sick of wearing it? Do you feel like it's accurate? Would appreciate any feedback.…
This week I will...
Okay, so it's Monday and I had a lot of pizza yesterday. I need some accountabilibuddies. This week I will... - limit my processed sugar consumption to 2 squares of dark chocolate at night - limit my flour consumption to no more than 1 serving per day - limit my dairy consumption, hopefully none at all (I should mention I…
How many cals are on your Thanksgiving plate?
An awesome photographic depiction of thanksgiving plates full of food, you get to guess how many cals per plate! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/25/thanksgiving-calories_n_4298802.html?utm_hp_ref=healthy-living