Chromium Picolinate for pcos??
Hey everyone!, i was just curious if anyone is taking chromium and if so does it really control your sugar and carb cravings. i bought some but havent started taking it yet, i wanted a little feed back first. Thanks :smile:
1200 calorie diet help!
So I have been trying to stick to a 1200 calorie plan, but I'm finding it difficult to eat all 1200, I know that might seem crazy considering that's not really a lot. Does anyone have a 1200 cal meal plan they fallow? Just need some examples :) Thanks everyone
I need some help :(
So I have lost 30 lbs and I was doing great, but the stresses of my life have been pushing me off of my plan I have gained 3-4 pounds and I feel horrible, I know that might not seem like much weight but I'm only 5'4 so its a big deal for me. I don't have much support from anyone and I'm looking for some motivation. I…