Anybody have a good product that they use to carry their phone while running/working out? I don't think I would like the armband style, so I have been researching the waist pack/belts that are out there. I've found a few that I think would work as far as comfort, but I'm don't know if they can keep my stuff dry, as I am a…
I recently gained access to a great workout facility at my workplace, and I think I'm going to add some lunchtime weigh training to my routine. Any suggestions, tips, links, etc for effective 20 minute weigh-training workouts? Thanks!
What it is - From Wikipedia - Hydrostatic weighing (i.e., underwater weighing) is a method for measuring the mass density of a body. From # purpose: the aim of underwater weighing is to measure the density of the body, and from that figure calculate percentage body fat Has anybody ever tried this before?…
A friend turned me on to this app, and I started using it today. I'm going to use the app to be more aware of what I am eating, and I've joined a fitness group at work, "from couch potato to half-marathon". My treadmill is finally going to get used! :happy: My goal is to lose at least 30 pounds, and it starts today!