My GF and I have been going to the gym for about 3 going on 4 week and it has been great. I lost 11.6 pounds already and she lost around 4. We always go at night (11 pm to 1 pm) for about a hour and 20 minutes. Once done we are usually hungry so we get something to eat. I would like to know if eating this late hurting us…
I am trying to lose about 20 pounds in the next 4 weeks and I go to Planet Fitness. Does anyone have a routine that they do or know using what they have to lose that much weight that fast?
My name is Al-Amir Jordan and I just started to go to the gym last week. I was always a big kid and for about the last 6 years, I would always say that I was going to join a gym but never did until my GF did. So I hope all goes well. I have been using the iphone app for about 10 days and this is my first time on the…
When I first started to use this site(app), it said I should have around 2500 cal intake a day. I felt that was way too high and brought it down to around 2000 a day. Should I listen to the site or just stick with my number?