I find that eating food that I didn't prepare always starts a downward spiral I can't get out of. This is especially difficult with the Jewish holiday period as I am a guest at different people's homes for multi-course meals that I really lose the plot. I'm fine when I can control what I eat and can weigh everything down…
Why is it that one poor day caused me to gain 3 pounds, but I can go a whole week of very controlled eating and only lose a pound? The other day I made some poor decisions because I went to someone's house and we had a multi-course meal that lasted 4 hours. The next day I woke up and weighed 3 extra pounds!? How is this…
I had a problem today. I planned all my meals and would have been under my calorie goal, until I went to my brothers and he asked me to stay for dinner. Before I left the house I kept telling him that I had food in the oven and would be eating at home (to get out of eating there) but he kept on insisting that I eat dinner…
I don't know if it is summer holidays so I have some spare time on my hands, but I can't stop thinking about losing weight - I just feel so impatient and restless at the moment. Everything is going pretty well - I am sticking to my calories, doing regular exercise (swimming 4 times a week) and basically doing everything…
Hi I think I do a pretty good job of counting calories of packaged products or things that I can weigh on my food. But eating at someone's house, or from a cafe, even when it's steam vegetables for examples, tends to send me into a meltdown. If I overestimate then I don't get enough calories in and end up overeating…