I have lost 27 lbs and thats a lot of weight to loose. I have not noticed a single change .. not in my clothes (the way they fit) .. or in my appearance at all ... until tonight. You are not going to believe this .. my first time I noticed a change was in my shoes !!! My shoes are starting to flop and are feeling too big.…
Today we went to Costco and they were giving out samples of Cascade Ice .. a sparkling water drink. It has zero calories and is super delicious. I just thought I would pass this along. I know I am always looking for flavored safe soft drinks. :love:
Hello everyone, I've been overweight most of my married life, but now I am so obese, I can barely walk. My knees are extremely painful because they can't support my weight. Add to this, I developed Type 2 Diabetes. I tried to get Bariatric surgery 10 years ago, but my insurance would not cover it. I decided to try again. I…