How accurate are people finding MFP's weight prediction?
Hi everyone... my question is: How accurate are people finding MFP's "If every day were like today, you'd weigh X in five weeks..."? I haven't been on MFP long enough to see whether or not that is accurate yet. Based upon my food and exercise logging over the past week, my daily prediction is that in four or five weeks,…
Guys this breakfast is so simple and quick but SO YUMMY!
Morning everyone... just thought I would quickly share what I made for breakfast this morning. It took me fewer than five minutes and it is SOO SIMPLE but it is DELICIOUS! So, obviously there's an apple and banana cut up there... no biggie. But the yoghurt in the middle is the real gem. All this has in it is low fat…
23 y/o female, 5'4". Starting weight 176lbs...
Hi everyone! Well I'm feeling quite happy and motivated this morning. I started my weight loss journey on Jan 6, 2014 and here I am one week on. I stood on the scale this morning expecting a one or two pound loss and turns out I've actually lost five pounds so far. Of course that's the lifestyle change etc so I don't…