Trying to kick night time snacking
I’m trying to think of ways to keep myself occupied while I try to overcome my evening snacking habit. I can do well all day but at the end of the day when it’s time to relax I start wanting to eat everything. I’m not sure if I do it out of boredom or just to help myself relax but I need to kick the habit. I considered…
Looking for weight loss buddies
I'm trying to lose weight again and I am wanting this time to be the time I am successful. I'm looking for some friends to help with support and motivation.
Anyone lose a significant amount?
Hey, I was wondering if anyone has lost a large amount of weight. How did you get started? Currently I get out of breath so easy and have no motivation to get exercising. I am trying to stop drinking my calories and eat better but they exercise part is getting to be the harder part. I'd like to have some advice and…
Looking for some weight loss buddies!
Hey, I am 28 years old and a mother and wife. I am looking for some weight loss buddies to share engorgement as we try to get back in shape and lose weight. :happy: