Weight Loss Protein Supplement
Hey guys! I'm doing the insanity program and i notice that i'm consistently not eating enough protein. Which protein supplement do yall recommend for weight loss?
Help...not losing weight!!!
Hey yall. I'm having a big problem! I think i'm doing everything right....i'm eating healthy and staying under my calorie goal, and working out about twice day (I'm circuit training that includes cardio and weights) and i'm still not losing weight! I've gained about 4lbs and am stuck at that weight! Does anyone have any…
Lighter weights vs heavier weights?
Hey yall. I'm kinda confused about one thing on weight training...i know its very important for people of all ages, helps with balance, and builds lean muscle. But what i'm not sure about is which is more effective: lighter weights with more repitions? or heavier weights with less repitions?
Good morning yall! I'm kinda new to the site, and figured i'd say hi to everyone. I joined the site because i noticed i was gaining weight (and from i've been eating, its no wonder...ugh), so if anyone has any tips or tricks i'd greatly appreciate them. Thank you!