Hi, not sure if this has been asked before, if it has I'm sorry. I record my weight in stones and pounds is there a way of it showing half pound losses? This week I lost 5.5lb which makes my entire weight loss is 1 stone and half a pound or 14.5 lbs. I typed in what I lost and it is showing on my ticker as 15lbs which is a…
It's been a week tomorrow since I started my Slimming World adventure! I feel like I am starting to adjust to the diet, it's a lot to take in, but I have had some lovely meals. I have eaten a lot more fruit and vegetables and cut down on chocolate bars and colas. I have had a couple of treat size Milky Bars and Diet Pepsis…
Today I joined Slimming World. After battling with my weight for years, I finally feel I am about to take control. I have the support of my friend who is attending with me. This makes me feel determined as I know she will help me and I will help her if it gets difficult. Walking in to the room I was really nervous and…