Hello everyone. I'm 24. I'm 5'5. I'm 208lbs. And I've had 2 c-sections with both of my girls. One is 2yrs old and the other is 6 months. I'm breast feeding the 6 month old. I own a weight watchers scale and my stats look horrible. I have never been this big in my life til pregnancy came along. I've always been 130-140lbs.…
I can't seem to get my water weight percentage up where it needs to be. It's always 44.5% or 45.4%. Here are my stats. 24yrs old 5'5ft 208lbs 80lbs of fat. 38% of fat. 44.5% water weight 7.3% bone mass 34.5% BMI My water weight I think is suppose to be 50% but I can't seem to get it up to there. What could be wrong?