Net carbs vs fiber
Hey guys, I'm a bit puzzled about how to count my net carbs. My intake of carb today was 61g in total, mostly from cauliflower, soy milk, 9 cherries, nuts and eggs. My fiber total was 56gs. If I were to subtract fiber from total carb, that would be 15g carb. However, some foods have far more fiber than it does carb, eg.…
Where dietary fat goes without insulin.
Hi everyone, I'm new to low carb ketogenic dieting. I've been listening to Gary Taubes and Jeff Volek among other MDs and scientists about the effects of insulin in fat storage on the human body. This is especially true for those with insulin resistance. Lately I have been trying bulletproof coffee, eating the fat on…
How different do people treat you once you lose weight?
I've lost about 30kg (66lbs) through a change in diet and weight lifting a couple years back and I still have a little bit left to go. I started noticing that people treated me more kindly, smile and made longer eye contact as I lost the weight and tightened up. I realize that it was also because I felt more energetic,…
Net carbs vs fiber
Hey guys, I'm a bit puzzled about how to count my net carbs. My intake of carb today was 61g in total, mostly from cauliflower, soy milk, 9 cherries, nuts and eggs. My fiber total was 56gs. If I were to subtract fiber from total carb, that would be 15g carb. However, some foods have far more fiber than it does carb, eg.…
Where dietary fat goes without insulin.
Hi everyone, I'm new to low carb ketogenic dieting. I've been listening to Gary Taubes and Jeff Volek among other MDs and scientists about the effects of insulin in fat storage on the human body. This is especially true for those with insulin resistance. Lately I have been trying bulletproof coffee, eating the fat on…
Where dietary fat goes without insulin.
Hi everyone, I'm new to low carb ketogenic dieting. I've been listening to Gary Taubes and Jeff Volek among other MDs and scientists about the effects of insulin in fat storage on the human body. This is especially true for those with insulin resistance. Lately I have been trying bulletproof coffee, eating the fat on…