I don't want to start a debate on the virtues or evils of low carbing, just need some insight. I have had success (like many of you, I'm sure) with the Scarsdale/Atkins/insert diet name here, in the past but obviously could not sustain that lifestyle or I wouldn't be here. I do find that I have better success and feel…
I know there is an app out there that will scan products to get the nutrition info. I need it for a Galaxy 5S. Can anyone help me find it/guide my in the right direction to use it? Thanks!
I hate to be the grammar police, but here it is. lose verb \ˈlüz\ : to be unable to find (something or someone) : to fail to win (a game, contest, etc.) : to fail to keep or hold (something wanted or valued) loose adjective \ˈlüs\ : not tightly fastened, attached, or held : not pulled or stretched tight
I need a new bathroom scale. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, just accurate. Maybe in the $20-$50 range. Any suggestions? Thanks!