I'm sure people have talked about this ebook here and there, I believe it's the most popular fitness ebook sold online. But I just bought this a few weeks ago and absolutely love it. Tom Venuto, the writer, takes a real sensible approach to training/nutrition and backs pretty much everything he says with studies. Also kind…
I think over the years, I had become addicted to diet soda. I would literally drink it all day if I had it in front of me. As the years went on, I think I just kept adding to the amount that I drank. Unlike what people say, I didn't find that it increased my hunger or desire for sweets. I think it was the opposite…
I used to have a pretty simplistic view of food/exercise. I watched calories, exercised regularly, and when I ate more than I should've, I worked out for a little longer or did something to offset that. Bill Phillips won't be happy to hear this, but Body For Life did more harm than good for me. Of course, it's not his…