I have lost 110 pounds in less than 9 months
I started in February 2014. This journey has been wicked awesome. I switched my diet to a Paleo diet, used myfitnesspal to watch my calories and started hitting the gym with a goal to medal in a 5k in October. Smoker for over 20 years and alcoholic for 15 years I quit them both. If you knew me you would understand that if…
HELP! I am racing in 34 days!
At the end of January I was 282 pounds and sick with a cold and fever. I smoked over a pack a day and drank beer 5-6 days a week. I had plenty of issues. I decided I was done and to make a change. I have not smoked since (225 days) or drank (229 days). I changed my diet (following a paleo diet) and went from walking up our…
How do I get rid of loose skin after weight loss?
I have lost 82 pounds and I have done a good job of using diet, exercise, weights and crunches to lose that weight. It has turned most fatty areas into muscle and I have even started being able to see my abs. So cool! However....... The other day after swimming a mile I did my push ups at home with out my shirt on. The…
I'd like more friends
I have carefully chosen 15 or 16 fitness pals but I would like about 100. I enjoy all the ideas, inspiration and input you get from a lot of pals :) Soooooooooo (boy kicks rock) anyone wanna be my friend? :) :smile:
What is your favorite movie about running?
I watched "Without Limits" this weekend after finding it in a bin for $3.00. Billy Cruddup and Donald Sutherland on the life of Steve Prefontaine (spelling?). I had seen it before long ago but it was great. I went out after it was over and timed myself running a 5k in 29:35 which is my first time under 30min. I am…
I could use some 5k training advice
I am running in my first ever 5k this October. I am currently running it in 32 min 22 seconds. that time includes 12-13 minutes of fast walking. By the end of July I should be running the entire thing. I am hoping that my time is around 26 - 28 minutes. Then I have all of August and September to train to increase my time…
Can I get some help or advice from my fellow pals? :)
I have lost almost 70 pounds and currently weigh 214 pounds. Male, 6' tall. My goal was to get to 200 pounds and then I thought I might start a new goal and shoot for 185 or so. I am running / walking over 20 miles a week, Swimming, sit ups and push ups every other day, staying active and watching my calorie intake,…