I've been trying to lose weight for awhile now. I started restricting everything I ate and at first I lost about 8 lbs within the first week, and then I started binging. Ever since that first binge, I just kept going on and on. It would go on the next day, and the following day. Today I binged on over 7,8? ( i dont even…
I binge on and off in the past but for the last three days I lost control and started eating everything in sight. And of course everytime i binge i feel guilty and sick afterwards. Yesterday I weighed myself in the morning and I was still the same weight as I was 3 days before so I thought it was okay. But this morning i…
Hi, I've been using Myfitnespal for a while now but yet I'm confused about how the net works. My goal is 1200 calories a day Food I plan to eat by tonight is 1200 calories But I exercised and burnt up to 771 calories and my net right now is -53 My Remaining is 1253 calories... Am I doing this all wrong? I'm so lost. Is my…