July 31
Take every chance to relax to hope to heal to dream to play to give to receive to love
July 30
You never know what good things will pour in when the heart is open to life.
July 29
The stuff that wears on the nerves polishes the soul.
July 28
Do what you love it's what you were meant to do
July 27
Life isn't perfect but love doesn't care.
July 26
A graceful woman is wise enough to laugh at vanity and proud enough to love her own beauty.
July 25
While you live, love While you breathe, sing While you walk, dance While you work, shine While you see, dream
July 24
She believed she could so she did.
July 23
Some days are hopscotch kind of days some days are getting-nailed-at-dodgeball kind of days.
July 21
Love strong!
July 20
Laugh Louder!
July 22
Nothing is worth more than this day.
July 19
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
July 18
What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
July 17
Half of doing is believing that you can!
July 16
Happy will always find you!
July 15
Hope Always!
July 14
Whereever you are you shine!
July 13
More dreaming, less worry. More ease, less chaos. More fun, less work. More time, more laughter, more love.
July 12
Follow your heart it knows the way
July 11
Sometimes the best scenery is along the detours.
July 10
Hang in there even the worst weeks have Fridays in them!
July 9
A little bit of reckless abandon is a good thing!
July 8
It's often the bend in the road that makes life worth the drive.
July 7
I have hope and I'm not afraid to use it!
July 6
Dreams have no expiration date
July 5
Never stop being curious
July 4
You can never have too much happy!
Working on the spreadsheet as we speak!
July 3
She listened to her heart and that made the difference.