NYC Trip - Need Snack Ideas - No Fridge!
Hi everyone! I am leaving in three weeks on a six day trip to NYC - it's my first time ever going to the "big apple." I will chaperoning a local high school trip and will have 4 teenagers in my care. I know food there is going to be expensive, and I want to try as much local food as possible, but in addition to that, I…
Donut NSV!
Confession: I LOVE carbs. When paired with large amounts of sugar, I love them even more. And if they are deep fried . . . well, you get the picture. My husband and I stopped at our favorite grocery store last Sunday and per tradition, picked up a dozen sugared fry cakes. We usually freeze half and then spread them out…
Love Starbuck's Chai Tea Latte? Try this at-home recipe.
Lately I have been on a chai latte kick, and this one is an awesome substitute at an affordable price, plus zero grams of fat and good protein if you use skim milk: http://www.instructables.com/id/Home-Made-Chai-Latte/ Enjoy!
NSV - eliminating High Fructose Corn Syrup!
I've decided that along with losing a little weight and getting in shape, I also want to start treating my body as it deserves to be treated: to eat as closely as possible to how God intended, not the commercialized capitalistic way that the food industry says that I should. I have never been a huge consumer of processed…
My One Week Success Story
Hi Everyone! I am a college student who is always saying "next semester I will have time to exercise and eat right and lose the weight that I gained." And of course, every semester was the same: classes were in full swing from the starting gate and I never "got around" to hitting the gym. So, I am now in my last semester…