What can I do with a 5yr, 6yr and 14 yr old?
My husband works 2 jobs and I am at home with my girls every night. I try to find the time to spend with them and work out but I just can't do it. With the gas prices I can't drive to the local track to walk with them and where I live the terrain is too uneven for me just yet (I cramp up too easily). I have also found that…
I am a stress/depression eater...
I am a smoker in a bad marriage and I have 3 beautiful little girls that I adore but I feel like something in my life is missing. I know what I have to do about my marriage but do not have the financial stability to do it. I worry about my girls and I have been living and doing for my husband and girls for the past 10+…
I am new to the program
Hello, My name is Kim and I am looking to see if anyone has seen any big changes to meet their weight goals? I hate being fat and I am tired of having my diabetic tummy. Any suggestions?