Anyone have Disney races coming up in your near future, if so, which race and which park?
Who else is participating in the Wine and Dine half marathon @Walt Disney World? I'm so excited!!:smile:
Just got my ifit program for my treadmill and so far I love it. I find that the time seems to go by faster and I like the fact that the treadmill will increase the speed and incline automatically, depending on which workout you're on. It's pretty neat. Anyone else have ifit?
Anyone training for Disney races? Iam currently training to walk the Disneyland half, in Sept., and the Wine & Dine half at WDW in Nov. Any Disney peeps out there?
I'm going to drink one Slim Fast a day, for dinner and I want to know if anyone has had success by drinking these? I don't plan on drinking these for long, just to get me started. Tell me your thoughts. Thanks.