I'm looking to sign up but I did the Color Run yesterday in Sunderland on my own and I'm sure it would have been more fun doing it with someone. Would love to hear from anyone else looking to do it and maybe meeting up at the event.. I think it looks really good! Anyone??
I'm looking to sign up to it but I did the Color Run yesterday in Sunderland on my own and I'm sure it would have been more fuñ with someone. Anyone???
I myself can be some what inappropriate.. I don't want to cause any offence by the way. I tend to slip out with the odd bad word.. I'm married but as my profile says I'm losing weight for a better sex life.. oh my favourite subject. so if anyone would like to add my inappropriateness to their newsfeed... feel free to add…
Newlywed and desperate to lose weight.. no excuses just me. Feel free to add me.. got about 70lbs to lose.. take a look at my profile Xx