Hello all, I just wanted to put this out on this internet incase anyone with a similar problem finds it. I am diary intolerant and have sensitivity to foods with seasoning/spice. Basically, unless I eat everything plain my stomach will hurt and other nasty effects. I went to a GI specialist who basically told me that if…
Hello all, I just wanted to put this out on this internet incase anyone with a similar problem finds it. I am diary intolerant and have sensitivity to foods with seasoning/spice. Basically, unless I eat everything plain my stomach will hurt and other nasty effects. When I was living at home I would eat bland, and if I went…
Hello! I am entering as a sophomore and am determined to stay healthy and on track. For many, the freshman weight is from alcohol. I am quite good at alcohol in moderation, and my weight gain came from needing another meal at around 2 or 3 am when I would finish studying on weekdays (sometimes weekend nights). And with the…