PCOS diet?
Hello all! Just recently found out that I have PCOS. Was wondering if anyone had info on good PCOS diets?
I keep fluctuating in weight
Well, since I've started keeping track, I've lost about 16lbs roughly.. My only problem is that I keep fluctuating. It's really annoying! For example, I'll be 350, then I'll go back to 353, and then back down the next time I check. Is there a reason for this? I've been maintaining my food and exercise (I'll admit, I'm…
Losing weight- will boobs go, too??
I know what you're thinking. "Oh, she's afraid she'll lose her boobs/have smaller boobs once she loses weight." It's actually quite the opposite, though. I don't want my boobs. I'm only a B cup, but I hate having them! So, with losing weight, will my boobs lose, too?
Eating healthy under short budget...?
Well, long story short, right now, I don't have a big budget for food and I'm trying to eat healthier. In my area, healthy things cost a bit more than junk, which makes absolutely no sense to me :/ Any ideas?
I'm afraid..?
I'm afraid, almost terrified even, to lose weight. I know it sounds silly, but I've been big my whole life. I feel scared to become fit, skinny, or anything like that! I'm not a person who cares about looks and stuff, but I'm just afraid that I won't look well when I'm a healthy weight. Has this ever happened to anyone?…
Newbie question
Hello! I'm Zelo. I just joined here, and I have a question. For this website, is it vital to keep track of food+exercise? Or is it there if you just want to? Thanks.