Does it really take 3500 "extra" calories to gain a pound? I need 1500 calories normally. That's what my body burns off. But I just don't understand how it really takes 3500 calories to gain a pound. That would mean the most anyone could gain is like 2 pounds a week and even that would require eating 1,000 calories more…
Hello! I'm trying to gain 15 pounds as fast as possible! 1) Is gaining weight really that difficult? I mean they say you have to gain it slowly and healthy by gaining either a pound or a half a pound a week but with the obesity rate being what it is right now...obviously that isn't true, is it? I mean people who are…
Like if you are low on ferritin (8.8) could it make it difficult for you to gain weight since iron is needed for growth? This is what my doctor told me. My regular iron levels, hematocrit, and all that is normal. It's just extremely low ferritin.