Fell off the wagon again.
I let way too much nonsense from my life take over and I gained 10 pounds. Pretty severely beat down motivation wise and am looking for people that can help keep me motivated. I'll be doing my best to do the same for them. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
The kings winning the cup took its toll
I used to be a fitness freak. im 6'1 I weighed 175 and looked/felt great. I'm now 190 and feel like a slug and hate the mirror. During the play offs(hockey, GKG) I drank for every game and ate more pizza than I can explain. Because of that I got used to really bad habits. I'm not drinking that much anymore but I still find…
Not sure where to post this question- nike fuelband?
Does anyone know anything about the nike fuelband? I always thought they looked interesting but I'm not sure if it's worth the $100. I'd like to have something like this I find it more convenient than relying on an app on my phone.